Florida Institute of Technology

How To Get Here & Where To Park

If you're arriving for a daily visit, you will start at Florida Tech's Harris Commons building, located at the intersection of Babcock Street and University Avenue. If you're joining us for a Discovery Day or Exploration Day, you will enter campus at the main entrance and follow the event signage for parking.

Please note that many online mapping tools won't get you directly to campus unless you use the correct physical address, which may be different than the university's mailing address.

For Daily Visits

  • Destination: Harris Commons
  • L3Harris Commons GPS address: 3011 South Babcock St., Melbourne FL 32901
  • Park in the spots reserved for guests located at the front of the building (facing Babcock).

For Admission Events

  • Destination: Florida Tech Campus
  • Primary university GPS address: 150 West University Blvd., Melbourne FL 32901
  • To park, follow the event parking signs.